Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Example Invoice

Here is an example of an invoice, such as Sales Invoice, Invoice Half Page, Tax Invoice and Invoice generated more easily by Zahir accounting software.

Examples of Sales Invoice / Invoice

Sales invoice or invoice is commonly used or serve as proof of the transaction for the customer. Design of Zahir's invoice can be designed in accordance with the wishes or needs of the company.
contoh faktur penjualan

Example of a Standard Tax Invoice

contoh faktur pajak standar

Example Invoice Half Page

contoh faktur setengah halaman

Example Invoice Voucher Cash In

contoh faktur voucher kas masuk

Example Invoice Voucher Cash Out

contoh faktur voucher kas keluar

Source :

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Zahir Report Server

Zahir Report Server 5.1 is a web-based application, which allows you to view reports and graphs generated by Zahir via the internet using a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

Easy to Use

Simply install Zahir Report Server, specify the location of financial data, then you can directly access enterprise reports from anywhere at anytime, as long as you have an internet connection.

More than 200 Reports Available

Zahir Report Server features a variety of reports designed to help you make business decisions quickly, both standard financial reports such as balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement analysis reports such as reports to sales per salesman per category of customer, product selling, sales profit per products, etc. ...

Business Analysis Graph

In addition to the financial statements, you can also display a variety of graphics that will allow you to analyze the business quickly.

Reminder System in Calendar

If you always forget when a bill must be paid, when a receivable are collectible and will be liquid when a gyro, then by Zahir Report Server emua problems would be solved, the program will display all receivables, payables and post back in a simple calendar understood.

Get to know your company's performance Fast!

With a variety of reports and graphs analyzing web-based business, will help you as an entrepreneur and leader in the company know the condition quickly and accurately anywhere anytime. Imagine the convenience, you can find out where the best-selling product, selling the best salesman, sales comparison, cost and treasure year (12 months) and a variety of other charts. Everything can be obtained instantly wherever you are.

Compatibility with Zahir Accounting Reports

All reports that you have or have you design Zahir Accounting 5.1 can be used by Zahir Report Server.

Record and Email Reports

The entire report you can export into HTML and PDF formats for your printing, recording, or sent via email to the company's management or co-workers. Just click one button displayed report can be sent via email as an attachment. It's easy!


To be able to use this program, you must first have Zahir Accounting version 5.1, have installed Firebird Database Server and have an internet connection. If you want to manage your business from anywhere and at anytime, it Zahir Report Server is the right choice!
Source :

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